Bellamy Loft COVID-19 Guidelines & Screening Form (Bottom)

Location: Bellamy Loft, 1230 Sheppard Ave W, #4, North York, ON M3K 1Z9

  • Always be informed about local regulations before the event.
  • Stay at home if you are feeling unwell. Discourage anyone who is ill from attending the event.
  • Always comply with the following 3 basic preventive measures:
    • Maintain at least 1 metre or 6 feet distance from others, and wear a mask
    • Cover a sneeze or cough with a tissue or bent elbow, & immediately dispose of tissue in a closed-lid bin. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
    • Wash your hands frequently with soap & water, or with a hand sanitizer.
  • Masks or face coverings must be worn at all times
  • The event or ceremony should include no more than the maximum number of people provincially & municipally approved at the time the event takes place. 
  • Bellamy Loft or Client (if the client chooses to) will provide all necessary supplies – hand sanitizers or soap and tissues, safety protocol signs, backup masks. The masks are client’s or the guest’s responsibility to bring their own masks (so it’s safer), but we will provide backup masks as well.
  • Bellamy Loft will post signs that will remind attendees to practice these measures in highly visible locations.
  • Bellamy Loft will frequently disinfect and sanitize high-touch surfaces (right before the event and after).
  • Bellamy Loft will open windows if possible and, if the weather permits.
  • The client (host) is responsible and required to send this reminder and an updated COVID-19 reminders to the guests and third-party vendors prior to the event.
  • Each attending person is required to fill out the following screening form below 24-hours prior to the event.