
Wedding Ceremony & Reception
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10 Top Wedding Caterers in Toronto (Ontario)

With the vast number of caterers in the wedding industry, finding one that would be a perfect fit is indeed a difficult task. No worries, we’ve rounded up Toronto’s best caterers for weddings. Look over these 10 wonderful companies that offers wedding catering packages, we’re pretty sure you’ll find one to suit your needs. Best Wedding Catering Companies (Toronto & GTA) KACE Catering Versatility is a selling point, not all catering services can provide. However, that is certainly not the…

10 Best Flower Shops in Toronto (Ontario) 2025
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10 Best Flower Shops in Toronto (Ontario) 2025

Flowers can brighten up any day, in our case, it can definitely give life to the current pandemic situation. As a matter of fact, any situation, event, or occasion can be made more special with floral arrangements. You can make someone feel special through a bouquet or make a wedding grandiose through floral styling. On the positive side, you can encourage a friend, send your well-wishes for the sick, or simply cheer up your home with blooms. You can go…

Wedding Officiant Toronto
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10+ Reputable Wedding Officiants in Toronto (Ontario)

A wedding checklist is usually comprised of the venue, styling, food, photographer, music, and the wedding dress. You’d want to make sure that people have an enjoyable time and without noticing it, you may leave out one of the most important parts of your wedding day. When everything is said and done, a wedding cannot push through without a licensed officiant to.. well… wed you. Choosing the right officiant for your big day is crucial. Aside from guiding you through…